Zeszyt nr 38/2019
- Spis treści i strona redakcyjna / Editorial page
- Development and cytometric evaluation of interspecific F1 hybrids Nicotiana tabacum × N. africana – A. Depta, T. Doroszewska
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Inhibition of Rumex crispus L. seed germination under natural solar radiation conditions – A. Doroszewski, T. Berbeć
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Floristic composition, nature value and productivity of the community with couch grass (Agropyron repens = Elymus repens (L.) P. Beauv.) – M. Grzelak, E. Gaweł
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Diversity of crop species in various types of farms – A. Harasim
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Characteristics of selected molecular methods used in identification and assessment of genetic diversity of bacteria belonging to the genus Azotobacter – M. Kozieł, A. Gałązka
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Biodiversity of the cropping system in Poland’s family farms with various production strategies in terms of the requirements of the Common Agricultural Policy – A. Madej
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Biologiczne wiązanie N2, bakterie symbiotyczne roślin bobowatych
w glebach Polski i oszacowywanie ich liczebności – S. Martyniuk
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Production, use and efficiency of utilising grains of various cereal species as feed resources for poultry production – M. Różewicz
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: