Zeszyt nr 39/2019
- Spis treści i strona redakcyjna / Editorial page
- Intensywność ochrony roślin w różnych typach gospodarstw rolnych – A. Harasim
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Productivity of winter oilseed rape depending on its nitrogen and water use efficiency – A. Rutkowska
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Natural and crop management-related conditions for spring feed barley production – B. Bartosiewicz, L. Poręba
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Zróżnicowanie reakcji odpornościowej na wirus Y ziemniaka wśród alloplazmatycznych form tytoniu – A. Czubacka, A. Depta, T. Doroszewska
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - The impact of grassland renovation on sward composition and quality under organic farming conditions – E. Gaweł, M. Grzelak
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - The impact of residential development and municipal greenery on the thermal conditions of the city gullies in Lublin – L. Poręba, G. Siebielec, A. Łopatka, B. Bartosiewicz, R. Kaczyński,
T. Stuczyński
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Reaction of facultative cultivars of spring wheat to autumn and spring sowing dates – W. Jarecki, D. Bobrecka-Jamro
abstract Pełny tekst/Full text: - Influence of selected retardants on the quality of winter wheat grain – D. Leszczyńska
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- The 150th anniversary of Novo-Olexandriya Institute of Agriculture and Forestry: professor V.V. Dokuchaiev’s activities based on the documents from the state archives of Kharkiv region – O. V. Ulianchenko, V. V. Degtiariov, O. M. Golikova
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